Notwithstanding the fact that these questions and answers are referred to as trivia, they are quite an interesting piece to read. A punch of funny questions and their funny answers. As humorous as these funny trivia questions and subsequent answers might seem, there is a level of knowledge impeded in them notwithstanding the fact that most people always look out for the comic side of it, which will always get one laughing.
Here is a list of 100 funny trivia questions and answers
Psychologists say that men who do what during sex are insecure? A: Keep their socks on
Lord Byron is supposed to have had sex with his nanny at what age? A: 9 years old
In North Andover Massachusetts, it’s illegal to possess what kind of weapon? A: A Space Gun
By law in Russia, the homeless must be where after 10 pm? A: At Home
Name the kind of professional most often late for doctors appointments? A: Doctors
On Sunday, in Columbus Ohio, it is illegal to sell what? A: Cornflakes
The city council of Chico California set a $ 500 fine for exploding what in the city? A: A nuclear bomb
Who is it illegal to frown at in New Jersey? A: Police Officers
In 1899 Jacob German got the world’s first what in New York? A: Speeding Ticket – 12 mph
In Arizona, you can have no more than two what in a house? A: Dildos – More than two and it’s considered a brothel
Ondinism is sexual arousal from what? A: Urine
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In California, it is illegal to do what in a hotel room? A: Peel an Onion
Playing what Randy Newman song on the radio is illegal in Maryland? A: Short People
In Wyoming, in June it is illegal to take a picture of what? A: A Rabbit
What is it illegal to do in Israel on a Saturday? A: Pick Your Nose
In North Carolina, it’s illegal to do what? A: Sing out of Tune
In Wisconsin state, it’s against law to serve apple pie without what? A: Cheese
In York, it’s legal to kill a Scotsman (not Sunday)using what kind of weapon? A: Bow and Arrow
In New Jersey what is it illegal for a man to do while fishing? A: Knit
What do you need a license to do in Hood River Oregon? A: Juggle
In USA of A, every 12 seconds someone does what in a Holiday Inn? A: Steals a towel
What were Chihuahua dogs originally bred for? A: Tasty meat.
In Arizona, you must register with the state before becoming what? A: Illegal Drug Dealer
In Montana, it’s illegal to have what in your taxi cab without a chaperone? A: A Sheep
In Cheyenne Wyoming what is illegal on Wednesday? A: Taking a Shower A healthy person does what about 16 times a day? A: Farts.
In 1992, 2,421 US people were injured at home by their what? A: Houseplants
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In North Carolina it is illegal to use what to plough cotton fields? A: Elephants
What did J Edgar Hoover bar people from walking on? A: His Shadow
According to doctors people with what kind of pets fall asleep the easiest? A: Fish
By law what is it against the law to do in Minnesota with your washing line? A: Mix male and female washing together
A P Herbert, editor of Punch, once wrote a check on what? A: The side of a cow
According to Massachusetts law, what can you not do to a pigeon? A: Scare it
What safety device did cars built in Bennington have in the 1920s? A: A Saint Christopher medal
What was banned in Indonesia for stimulating passion Hula Hoops
In 1926 why did Japan delete 800,000 feet from US films? A: They showed Kissing
In what European city can you be jailed for not killing furry caterpillars? A: Brussels
Hugh Hefner’s jet plane was named what? A: Big Bunny
What creatures it is illegal to maltreat in Maryland? A: Oysters
If you are wearing a Swimsuit in Florida in public, what is illegal for you to do? A: Sing
Spanish scientists fitted what to cows to increase milk yield? A: False Teeth
The Greek dramatist Aeschylus died how? A: An eagle dropped a tortoise on his head
In Alabama it is illegal to drive while what? A: Blindfolded
What is banned in public places in Florida after 6pm? A: Farting
Roman men had to swear on what to testify? A: Their testicles
In Maine it is illegal to bite your what? A: Landlord
In Schulter Oklahoma, nude women are not allowed to do what? A: Gamble
What kind of animals are barred from racing in city limits in Key West Florida? A: Turtles
Who took out a $ 5000 life insurance policy before dying in battle? A: George Armstrong Custer
It’s illegal to shoot what from a moving trolley in New York? A: Rabbits
What do 66% of Americans reading on the toilet read? A: Readers Digest
In Ecuador, if you had Tronquito at your meal, what have you eaten? A: Bull penis soup
25% of Americans believe what fictional character is real? A: Sherlock Holmes
The most perjury is committed in what kind of court case? A: Contested Divorce
Louis the XVI, king of France, only took two (recorded) what in his lifetime? A: Baths
Louis the XVI, king of France did not consummate his marriage for 7 years – why? A: Overgrown Foreskin
Fun Trivia Questions and Answers
Ancient Egyptians rubbed what on their dicks to enlarge them? A: Crocodile manure
Who was it that removed Broccoli from the White House menus? A: George Bush
In Massachusetts it’s illegal to put what in clam chowder? A: Tomatoes
In Singapore you can be publicly caned for failing to do what? A: Flush Toilet after use
In Denmark what is a Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel? A: A Condom
Who was it that said “The internet is a good way to get on the net”? A: Bob Dole
On Sunday in Missouri it’s illegal for anyone to do what? A: Play Hopscotch
Why do Tibetans grow long nails on their little fingers? A: To pick noses efficiently
Zaire diverted roads to avoid disturbing communities of what? A: Elves
24% of British men have no what? A: Real teeth
Who is the Patron Saint of hangovers? A: Saint Bibiana
In Hartford Connecticut it is illegal to educate what? A: Your dog
Where is it illegal to carry old chewing gum stuck on your nose? A: In Somalia
Sienna law forbids women with the name “Maria” from doing what? A: prostitution
In the 18th century what job did a fart-catcher do? A: A footman who walked behind the Master
What do callipygian people have? A: Prettily shaped buttocks
John Paul Getty, one of the world’s richest men had what in his house? A: A Payphone
U.S. Federal laws specify what color underwear for Crash Dummies? A: Tea Rose
By law in Delaware a newlywed husband must do what if his wife asks? A: Take her Shopping
In Florida women can be fined for falling asleep under what? A: Hair Drier
It is illegal to do what underwater in Vermont? A: Whistle
In some areas of Paris what is provided for dogs? A: Private flush toilets
Einstein called what “the most difficult thing to understand”? A: Income Taxes
In Boston, by law, what is banned from the back seat of cars? A: Gorillas
Where is it illegal to ride your bike in Baldwin Park California? A: Swimming Pool
Why would women dislike using a West Indian Dildo? A: It’s a cactus plant
In 1971 French riot police were ordered to the Riviera to deal with what? A: Hundreds topless women
Random Funny Trivia Questions
Every fifteen minutes cockroaches do what? A: Fart
Pope John XX1 used what as effective eyewash? A: Babies Urine
By law, in Louisiana, who cannot be charged more than twenty-five cents for a haircut? A: Bald Men
In Quitman Georgia its illegal for a chicken to do what? A: Cross the Road
In Silverwood Michigan it’s illegal to kill what using your hands? A: A Bear to impress a girl
In Alaska it’s legal to shoot bears but illegal to do what? A: Wake one up for a photo
In Ashville North Carolina it’s illegal to Sneeze where? A: On the street
It was illegal for women to wear what in 19th century Florence? A: Buttons
In Tennessee it is illegal to drive if you are what? A: Asleep
What theologian claimed he could drive away the devil with a fart? A: Martin Luther
In Papua New Guinea, what is the leading cause of death? A: Falling out of Trees
In St Louis Missouri its illegal for a fireman to rescue who? A: Undressed women full dress only
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Which magazine declared bankruptcy in the early 1990s? A: Success
What do vegetarians do more than carnivore / omnivores? A: Fart
If you Manuxorate, what are you doing? A: Male masturbation using your hand
A Capriphiliac has sex with who or what? A: Goats
What do 63% of Americans spend five minutes a day looking? A: TV remote control
Lagnoperissia is a fancy name for what sexual condition? A: Nymphomania
What was the ice cream cone invented for? A: To hold flowers, not ice cream
Why don’t cannibals eat clowns? A: They taste funny
How do people usually find furniture in the dark? A: With their shins
What does the label on a Marks & Spencer bread pudding read? A :’Product will be hot after heating’
What is a crossbreed between a zebra and a donkey called?A :A zonkey
Which Great Lake state has more shoreline than the entire U.S. Atlantic seaboard?A: Michigan
What does the term ‘piano’ actually mean?A: To be played softly’
What was the or Which was the first fruit that was eaten on the moon?A: Peach
What do most farmers use to tell their cattle apart?A: Ear tags
How do you tell the age of a horse?It’s teeth: A: longer = older
The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than?The first flight of the Wright Brothers
How old was the youngest Pope ever?11
What do humans do 15 times a day on an average?Laugh
What does bubble gum contain?Rubber
Funny Trivia Questions and Answers for Adults
Who is a gambrinous?A person full of beer
What are people who love eating ice called? Pagophagiacs
In his lifetime, how many paintings did Vincent van Gogh sell?Only 1, and that too to his brother
How did the word ‘chocolate’ originate?From ‘xocolatl’, meaning ‘bitter water’
Why are masks worn on Halloween?To prevent the living being recognized by the dead
What is the official name of Libya?Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah al Uzma
Most people eat which part of an Easter Bunny first?Ears
What is lighter than a feather, but not possible to hold for even a few mImagine that you were captured by cannibals, and about to be eaten. How would you save yourself? Stop imagining
What is the opposite of Dominos Domi doesn’t know
What is a ‘Bombay Duck’?A fish
What do all lottery winners do?Put on weight
What is composed of 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, and 9% dioxide? A fart
Some months have 30 days, others have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?All months have 28 days
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Before Mount Everest was discovered, which was the tallest mountain in the world?Mount Everest itself