Banking services in UBA have gone beyond what can be performed within the four walls of the banking halls. There are lots of banking services that can be done without one having to enter the banking hall. One of them is checking your UBA account balance. Gone are the days when you had to ask the UBA front desk staff how much was in your bank account before you made a transaction. Here, we’ll be seeing how one can check their UBA account balance online.
Methods For Checking Your UBA Account Balance
Below are all the ways to check your UBA account balance.
- Walk into the bank
- Via ATM
- USSD Code
- Mobile Banking
- Internet Banking
We’ll be focusing on methods like USSD code, mobile banking app, and internet banking. The first 2 (walk into the banking hall and via ATM) are already popular and easy to accomplish. It’s quite usual for you to go to the bank to do a transaction and ask the bank staff what your bank account balance is.
Going to the ATM to check your UBA account balance is also very easy. Just slot in your atm card, input your password and look for the checking account balance option. The machine would ask whether you want a receipt for the balance or you want it displayed on the screen. Either option you chose, you will see your account balance on the screen.
However, do you know what’s wrong with these two methods just described above? Yeah, you guessed it already. You have to leave the comfort of your home. And a lot can happen, including you meeting a queue at the bank or ATM, etc. UBA USSD codes, mobile and internet banking all have one thing in common, you can do it from the comfort of your home.
Check Your UBA Account Balance Using USSD Code
The UBA USSD code is *919#. Now, this is the generic code or more like the master code. This code will give you a prompt with which you can use to do other activities such as check your account balance, recharge your phones, transfer money, and more. There are other codes, related to this that would be faster and take you exactly to where you’d like to go. These codes are also called magic codes.
Using this service to check your account balance is just as easy as dialing *919*00# from your phone. Next, you’ll be asked to enter your pin – a four-digit access code to your USSD. When you have successfully entered it, you’ll be told that using the service will cost N10, once you accept. Your account balance will be displayed on your screen and then it will also be sent to you via SMS. Make sure that the phone number is the one you used while registering the account. This of course tells that you must have an account with UBA already, to be able to use this service. You also have to be registered to use the service.
Steps For Registering UBA’s USSD Code
- Dial *919#. This is a magic number from UBA, it’s like the proverbial key that unlocks every door.
- Once you dial the code, you’d be asked for your 10 digit account number, and then the registration process would commence.
- Follow the commands and submit all necessary information required of you till you receive a prompt that you have been successfully registered.
Other UBA USSD Codes and What You Can Do With Them
- Check account balance – *919*00#
- Open account – *919*20#
- Make transfers – *919#
- Buy airtime for self – *919*amount#
- Buy airtime for others – *919*phone number*amount#
- Pay for flight tickets – *919*12#
- Buy data for self – *919*14#
- Buy data for third party – *919*14*phonenumber#
- Generate OTP – *919*8#
- Block Debit Card – *919*10#
- Freeze Online Transactions – *919*9#
- Check BVN – *919*21#
- See bank statement – *919*21#
As you can see, all these codes are extensions of the *919# code. You can use *919# and then follow the prompts, to do any of the things that the USSD code can do.
Check Your UBA Account Balance Using UBA Mobile Banking App
This is the most popular method for most UBA users to carry out banking services without having to go to the bank. You’d have to download the UBA mobile banking app though. So, head on to Play Store or App Store if you use an iPhone, then download the UBA mobile app. Next, you install the app and launch it.
Steps For Registering on UBA’s Mobile Banking App
- There are usually three options with which you can register – your UBA account number, UBA Debit card, and or UBA prepaid card.
1. Registering with UBA Account Number
If you choose the register with your account number option, you’ll enter your account number and a token will be needed to use this method though.
2. Registering with UBA Debit/ATM Card
If you have a UBA ATM or debit card, this is the easier and recommended option. All that’s needed here are your card details. The first 6 and last 4 digits in front of your card and then your card pin and expiry date.
When this process is completed, the password and activation code will be sent to your phone and/or email address. Use them to log in. Once you log in, you will see your UBA account balance displayed on the dashboard.
3. Registering with UBA Prepaid Card
Just like you did with your debit card, enter the card details. If it is successful, the activation details will be sent to you via email. Set your password and log in. Your account balance will be displayed on your dashboard once you log in. Now, you are ready to use the banking app to carry out other banking transactions.
Other Transactions You Can Perform on UBA’s Mobile Banking App
- Set your account spending limit.
- Schedule and pay recurrent bills automatically.
- Make transfers to both UBA customers and other banks.
- Get instant notifications of all transactions on your account.
- Save for your goals and monitor your savings
- Open a new UBA account and fund it.
- Sort out all transaction disputes easily by reporting them and following up on their resolution.
- Easily locate a UBA branch or ATM nearest to you.
- Lock, freeze, cancel and block your card in a case where the security of your account gets compromised.
- Confirm, request, and stop cheques remotely on the app.
Check Your UBA Account Balance Using UBA Internet Banking
UBA’s internet banking is referred to as U-Direct. This method is meant for laptops, tablets, or desktop users. You can be able to perform many banking transactions that you would ordinarily need to visit the banking hall to perform. What you need are your customer id and your password. If you have forgotten your login details, click on the forgotten password option, and follow the prompt. However, if you’ve not registered for this service, then go ahead and click on the instant self-registration.
Steps For Registering on UBA’s Mobile Banking App
- Visit to get started.
- Click on the instant registration button.
- Fill the form accurately by providing all the necessary information.
- You will get a text containing your one-time password.
- Use this password and the username you created to log in and begin conducting transactions via UBA’s internet banking platform.
- Once you gain access to the portal, you’ll see your account balance displayed already.
Other Transactions You Can Perform on UBA’s Internet Banking Platform
- Check your account balance.
- Transfer money both locally and internationally
- Pay bills and other utilities
- Recharge your phone and buy data
- Block your atm cards
- Print out account statements
The internet has come to stay, and with UBA mobile banking services, you can enjoy banking right from where you are. If you encounter any problem using any of these means to check your UBA account balance, you can contact the bank’s customer care to resolve it.