There are more than one hundred Kenya radio stations where you can listen to live radio transmissions. Normally, you would need a radio set to receive a live radio transmission in Kenya but let us assume that very soon, you will be flying out of the country, changing locations within Kenya such that the frequency of your favourite radio station might not get to your new location or you love Kenyan music, tradition, culture or want to catch up on all the latest news in Kenya but are afraid that you will be missing your favorite local radio programs from a Kenyan radio station. Whatever the case, missing any show from your local radio station in Kenya is not a matter that should create any worry anymore if you have a personal computer and the internet with you. You can actually get to listen to myriads of different radio stations via the internet and the step involved are very much simple.
How to Listen to Kenya Radio Stations Online
All you need is a steady internet on a personal computer or internet-enabled mobile phone and you can listen to live radio transmissions of all your favourite Kenya radio stations from anywhere in the world. This doesn’t necessarily need a radio receiver or an antenna (the aerial) for capturing the radio waves. Instead, all you need is a streaming software like the windows media player (which usually comes with any computer that has the Windows operating system installed) or Winamp that can enable you to listen to the live radio signals. If you plan to use an internet-enabled mobile phone (e.g Android phones) simply visit Google Play store and download the online radio streaming app of your favourite station. The same process applies to Windows and Apple phones if you are using them to get access to Kenya radio stations.
You can also find single apps that can stream radio broadcasts from more than one radio station. These audio signal software are mostly available for free online and you can easily download them. Most Kenyan radio stations have an automated link to such apps directly on their websites.
As mentioned earlier, Windows operating systems come with the Windows Media Player and you don’t need to download any of the software if you are using Windows XP, Window 7 or Windows 8. The only issue with this is that you may not get as much local radio stations as you wish.
There are other much simpler methods you can use if you are not conversant with the use of the software. Some of the steps are outlined below:
- Simply go to the search engines and search for the radio station that you may want to listen to.
- These search engines include the google, bing or the messenger search engines.
- Some of the radio stations that you can stream online are Capital FM, easy FM, and Citizen Radio among others just to name a few.
- Just type the name of the radio station followed by Kenya (E.g capital FM Kenya) in the google/ search engine address bar and click on the first link that you are presented with.
- This will direct you to the radio station’s websites and you may proceed to look for ‘online live radio’ or “listen online” option that is availed on that particular website.
- Click the link and it will automatically stream the radio audios for you to listen to.
- Almost all radio stations have an online live radio now and you can aptly listen to any of them without the need for fine-tuning or worry about the wave clarity as it is awesomely clear.
Another simple method is to use online radio aggregating websites that serve as a library of radio stations. A good example is Tune in radio and here is the link to Kenyan radio stations.
Online radio is a technology that has been developed and as it continues to advance, users would prefer to listen to live radio over the internet while they are away from home. This is also aided by the use of portable internet radios that can stream live internet radio despite where you are. They solely work while you are far from your computer at any place that is accessible to the wi-fi internet connection. It is as simple as clicking on the radio station that you want to listen to and within seconds you will be able to listen to the live audios from any of your favourite Kenya radio stations.
The advantage that comes with listening to these live radios in Kenya is that you can easily record your favourite radio show anywhere you are without losing touch. It is much more simple to record online live radio than the traditional radio as most radio receivers do not come with the built-in recording system. You can simply click on the green button in the media player when you want the program and your favourite music recorded and you can repeatedly listen to the recorded radio audios.
Gone are the days when we entirely depended on radio receivers. The live online radio comes as the best option for avid radio listeners who travel a lot. It is also more recommendable as there are thousands of online radio stations that you can actually get to listen to as per your predilection. You will never lose the rich content of your favourite Kenya radio stations for any reason.