The National Teachers Council (NTC) is a body that has played a very important role in ensuring that teachers in Ghana are well equipped, trained, and properly managed. One of the ways in which they have upheld this mandate is through the NTC Teacher Portal Ghana (TPG). The portal was created to give teachers in Ghana access to accredited programs that will help them build a better career portfolio to fulfill the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) plan.
The CPD plan involves tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge, and experience that every teacher gains, including all formal and informal experiences during the course of your work, beyond any initial training. It’s a record of what you experience, learn, and then apply.
What You Need To Know About The NTC Teacher Portal
The NTC teacher portal helps teachers fulfill the CPD plan and manages registered teachers’ licenses all in one place. The very purpose of registering on the portal and keeping up with the required programs, courses, and assessments is to keep every teacher currently in active service up to date with new guidelines, trends the NTC is taking up, and help them keep track of their own personal growth and development as teachers.
As an online hub, its sole aim is to help the country grow professional teachers. Through the NTC portal registration, the government can keep track of all the teachers in the country with the help of a database linked to the portal. This means that anyone who successfully registers will be automatically added to the teacher database of the country.
Most importantly, the NTC portal is for all in-service teachers employed both in the public and private sectors of education in Ghana.
Documents and Requirements for NTC Portal Registration
These documents and other info are required for successful registration on the NTC portal, so you might want to scan and keep them handy for your registration.
For Public School Teachers:
- Your staff ID card
- A working email address
- An SSNIT number
- A scanned passport picture for upload (optional)
- Scanned evidence of professional training –Teacher Cert A, Diploma, PGDE, B.Ed, M.Ed, MPhil, Ph.D. (in PDF, PNG, or JPEG format)
- Scanned first appointment letter (in PDF, PNG, or JPEG format)
For Privately Employed Teachers:
- A working email address
- Your SSNIT number
- A scanned passport picture for upload (optional)
- Scanned evidence of professional training –Teacher Cert A, Diploma, PGDE, B.Ed, M.Ed, MPhil, Ph.D. (in PDF, PNG, or JPEG format)
- Scanned first appointment letter (in PDF, PNG, or JPEG format)
The Step by Step Process for NTC Portal Registration
These are the helpful steps to follow for easy peasy registration on the NTC portal until you get your NTC number and license.
- Visit –
- To create an account, click on ‘Register Now’
- If you are registering for the first time, select ‘Teacher’ as the type of account
- Provide the relevant information by filling out the registration form
- Go through your answers again to ensure there are no mistakes and then submit
- Open another browser tab to check your email
- You will receive a confirmation link from NTC TPG via your email, so check your inbox or the spam folder just incase
- To verify your email address, click on the ‘complete registration’ in the email you received
- Follow the prompts that will redirect you to the portal to set up your profile. This is your first login
How To Log in to the NTC Dashboard Subsequently
Now that you have completed the registration, the next time you return to check your NTC profile, here’s how to log in:
- Simply go to / login
- Input your login details being your email address and password
- Then click on log in
When you have logged in again, it is time to set up your profile.
How to Set up Your NTC TPG Profile
Setting up your NTC TPG Profile is done in seven key steps that are explained below:
- Identification Information – this includes all the TPG ID numbers and details unique to you alone
- Personal information – As required
- Passport picture upload – Note that your passport must have a white background and must be in JPG, JPEG, or PNG file format
- Document upload – This should include certificates and appointment letters
- Academic history setup – Include every school attended and training received
- Employment history setup – Include details for both public and private schools if you have had experience both ways
- License setup – If you start and are not able to finish this process, you can always return to continue. You will not lose vital information. You can also fill in each of the pages in any order you are comfortable with.
How To Setup Teacher License on the NTC Teacher Portal
This is the final stage of your application/registration, and to get through with this stage you would have to make payments for your license following the procedure below:
- Login to your dashboard
- Click on “Setup Teacher License”
- You will be redirected to a payment portal where you can make payments online via mobile money or credit/debit cards.
- Once your payment is successful and is confirmed, you will receive an email containing your receipt
- For reference and personal documentation, print out this receipt
After making payment, your account status will be pending verification. Once your documents are validated, you will receive a verification message via SMS or email.
Note that Teachers who have their licenses or have their accounts activated to receive the system-generated certificate, earn points on the NTC Portal.
Teachers who do not have their accounts activated or have pending accounts receive their certificates through email without points.
When those pending accounts are finally activated, the certificates would be uploaded to the platform for the points to be awarded.
Details You Will Find on Your Teacher License
Some details that your license would contain which would also reflect on your license card include:
- Your full name as the license holder
- Your license number that is generated after your account has been registered and activated. You will find it written in this format TT/XXXXXX/YY. TT represents the kind of teacher who holds the license which is either Professional (PT) or Non-professional (NPT). The XXXXXX is your NTC serial number and YY stands for the year of your earliest qualification in the teaching profession.
- Your passport photograph for proper identification
- Issuance and expiration dates – The License typically expires two years after its issuance date.
Facts To Note About the NTC Teacher Portal Registration Process
Before we conclude on your NTC TPG Registration there are other important things you should keep in mind:
- Be sure that every piece of information you provide is written correctly and is yours. This is because your personal information such as your Email, Telephone number, and house address would be used to send subsequent information/documents to you. If you do not want to miss out on this, be thorough and crosscheck well.
- Almost all the fields in the form are required, and if a required field is not properly filled out, you might have issues submitting the form.
- If you are having issues with your submission you might want to check what part you are omitting.
- For the type of account you are creating, be sure to click on teacher and not organization as there are two account types – Teacher and Organization.
- Account Password – Your password is your key to your dashboard, you do not want to misplace or toy with it. To avoid your account being toyed with or hacked into, ensure that your password meets the following standard password creation criteria
- Your password should be at least 6 letters long, with both upper and lower case letters.
- It should have a number.
- It should have a symbol.
- An extra in this would be to try not to make your password your phone number or name or anything a stranger can quickly coin from your personal details.
Managing your Profile on NTC TPG Portal
While it is possible to make updates or corrections on your TPG Profile after the initial registration procedure, bear in mind that you will have to meet certain requirements to be able to do this. This rule is a safety measure to avoid people’s accounts being tampered with or hacked into. Here are some things to note:
- You can update the contact details on your dashboard at any time without verified proof
- For all other information like Title, First, middle or surname, Gender and date of birth, you can only change them or update them with verified proof
- If you have proof of change, simply upload them, wait till it is approved, and then Check to see if changes have been effected
How to Find and Register for Teacher Training Courses and Programs on the NTC Portal
Teacher training courses are recommended courses by NTC for teachers. They are divided into two major categories that include;
A.) The mandatory courses for all ranks
B.) The rank-based Mandatory courses
All teachers are encouraged to take 3 mandatory training courses for every four-year cycle.
To see courses available for you, log in to your dashboard and click on Training Course. You will see courses available here as well as the service providers who are responsible for the training.
Teacher Training Programs on the other hand are designed to educate teachers and keep them up to date with modern teaching trends and techniques.
The training above will make up your Continuous Professional Development. You can get three hours of straight and meaningful engagement for 2 CPD points at a cost of 30GH¢.
Course Details and Breakdown
Every training program/course page you view on the dashboard will give you the following details to help you decide if the course is what you need;
- What the course is about
- The target audience for this course
- Attendance requirements
- What you would learn
- Evaluation
- Date
- Modules
- Sponsor
- Venue
To register for training, simply click on the register button. If for any reason you change your mind about the course, you can unregister it by clicking the same button you used to register. It goes both ways. However, you don’t have to decide what course to take all by yourself. Your rank will show you the next courses to take.
At the end of any training, you can see your training records and download your certificates on the portal, here is how.
Steps to Viewing Records and Downloading NTC TPG Training Certificate
- On the third column from the left of your dashboard, click on ‘training records’
- Your training records will be empty if you have not registered for any training before now
- Each record has three features on it
- The title of the training program
- Status and
- The view button
- For more information about your course record, click on ‘view’. This will bring up your performance for the course and its certificate.
After you have viewed the certificate, you can download it by clicking on the download button.
NTC Teacher Terminal INSETs
Terminal INSET is mandatory training for all teaching staff in In-Service Education and Training. INSETs records are processed by the headteacher or regional director for SHS Heads. To know more about your INSET on the portal, follow the steps below:
- Visit your INSETs dashboard
- Click on ‘view’
- There are three types of INSETs; School-Based INSET (SBI), Cluster-Based INSET (CBI), and Department Based INSET (DBI)
- INSETs record has two features which include; terminal inset and Status
It is important to note that INSETs records take a period of one month to be processed.
NTC Portal Teacher Portfolio Management
In order to renew your license, your portfolio has to show that you have met the NTC-approved teaching standards. Here is how to manage the NTC portal teacher portfolio to reflect all you have achieved.
- Log in to your dashboard
- On your dashboard, click on “Manage portfolio” (center right)
- To make any uploads, click on the insert doc button at the bottom right of the portfolio page
- Input the title of your record in the dialogue presented and click “Save”
- The portfolio record page is then created and presented to you
How To Recover Your Password on the NTC Teacher Portal
For security reasons, it is best to write down your password and keep it safe. However, if for any reason you forget or misplace it, here are helpful tips to log you back into your Teacher Portal Ghana account
- Go to the login page and click on the “Need help logging in?” form under the Login button
You will see two options pop up:
a. “Email password reset”
b. “One-time password (OTP)”
If you have quicker access to your mailbox, select the first option and enter your email address to receive instructions on how to log in.
If you have forgotten or do not have access to your email address, select the second option.
You should get a prompt to enter your telephone number and then you will receive a code to log in to your account. After this, however, you will get a prompt to reset your password
- After you have logged into your account, click on reset password, click on change email to change your email from the previous one to a new one so you can use it to log in
- Click on update account password, to update the account password
- Keep your new password and email address as you would be using them to log in henceforth
Final Note:
The NTC TPG Training is a mandate the Ghanaian Ministry of Education seriously upholds. It makes sure that every teacher is in the database and following up with their mandatory rank training.
It is important that as a teacher, you register and follow up with your rank training and make sure you update your portfolio as at when due by uploading the original certificate. Bear in mind that the certificates are verified and with unique QR codes.
The NTC TPG has a 44-page Pdf to help you with a more detailed guide on the process and procedures. The good news is the guide can be printed out. Go through it exhaustively to be sure you are not missing out on any details.