As it is for other cultures around the world, Venda names are very important to their bearers and the process of naming a child among the Venda people is a very serious one that holds quite a lot of significance. For the record, the Venda, also known as the VhaVenda or Vhangona people, are a Southern African Bantu people living mostly near the South African-Zimbabwean border. Like other South African tribes, they are very particular about their culture and take pride in its preservation. Even naming newborn babies is a serious cultural process.
It is clear that the naming of newborn babies is very important in all cultures around the world and the Venda people are not left out. Since time immemorial in the Venda culture, the paternal grandparents and other senior members of the family are vested with the power to name newborn babies as custodians of culture. These name-givers are careful to convey inherent messages through these names, such as praise, thanksgiving, prophecy, mockery, scolding, and other reasons. However, in more modern times, this practice has been met with stiff resistance from younger parents who now tend to take the responsibility of naming their own babies.
Great Venda Names For Boys
Like in most cultures around the world, boys are held in high esteem among the Venda people. They are seen as the protectors of the clan and the head of the household. Venda boys are seen as people who will eventually aspire to traditional masculinity, prioritize economic power and take control over the household as time goes on, so careful thoughts and messages are injected into the names given to sons born to Venda people.
Below are some popular Venda names that are given to boys when they are born.
1. Alu
- Meaning: Be prosperous
- Potential: Boys named Alu are believed to grow into men who are level-headed and who know how to chase their dreams and find success in their endeavors.
- Significance: The name denotes the blessings parents hoped their son would bring them as he grows into a man.
2. Mashudu
- Meaning: Luck
- Potential: Boys named Mashudu are expected to grow into men who are highly favored. They go through life meeting with the right people and finding themselves in the right place.
- Significance: Denotes the prayers of the bearer’s parents for their son as he grows older.
3. Dowe
- Meaning: Get used to it
- Potential: Boys named Dowe are believed to grow into men who are overly confident and quite opinionated. They are strong and are sharp and do well in politics.
- Significance: The name often means something really interesting happened shortly before the bearer’s birth.
4. Mulalo
- Meaning: Peace
- Potential: Boys named Mulalo are often expected to grow into men who are loved by many. Their very gentle nature makes them important figures for conflict resolution.
- Significance: Often denotes that either one or both of the bearer’s parents were battling some turbulent issues before his birth.
5. Tshanduko
- Meaning: Change
- Potential: Boys named Tshanduko are believed to grow into men who are explorers and who are not afraid to dare.
- Significance: Often denotes that the bearer’s parents had waited to have a son for a while before he was finally born.
6. Athiambiwied
- Meaning: Should not be talked about
- Potential: Boys named Athiambiwied are expected to grow into men who are strong-willed and really resolute with what they have set their minds on.
- Significance: This often denotes that the bearer’s parents were faced with certain challenges at the time he was born.
7. Thilivhali
- Meaning: One who does not forget
- Potential: Boys named Thilivhali are often expected to grow into men who are very curious and like to explore. They do well as teachers and scholars.
- Significance: The name may mean that the bearer’s birth is actually an answer to his parents’ parents.
8. Avhapfani
- Meaning: They do not get along
- Potential: Boys named Avhapfani are expected to grow into men who are non-conformists. They have a mind of their own and are known to always try to be different.
- Significance: The name often denotes that something really interesting happened before, during, or shortly after the bearer’s birth.
9. Azwimmbavhi
- Meaning: I am not bothered
- Potential: Boys named Azwimmbavhi are expected to grow into men who are rarely worried but are more concerned about what they can do to solve problems. They are also religious.
- Significance: Sometimes, the name denotes that the bearer was born into a family of many other males.
10. Fhulufhuwani
- Meaning: Forget it
- Potential: Boys named Fhulufhuwani are expected to grow into men who are very conscious of their abilities and are wary of others. They have the ability to form the right bonds and find success afterward.
- Significance: The name denotes the parents’ feelings about their son at birth.
11. Thikhathali
- Meaning: One who does not worry
- Potential: Boys named Thikhathali are expected to grow into boys who have laser-focus when it comes to accomplishing tasks. They are religious and believe everything will work in its good time.
- Significance: The name denotes the feelings of the bearer’s parents for him at birth.
12. Tshifhiwa
- Meaning: Gift
- Potential: Boys named Tshifhiwa are expected to grow into men who are good-natured and generous. They are dearly loved by many and are also religious.
- Significance: The name often signifies that the bearer’s parents waited quite some time for him to arrive.
13. Zwanga
- Meaning: Mine or that which belongs to me
- Potential: Boys named Zwanga are expected to grow into men who are quite possessive but also liberal. They can also be obsessive with work and are also studious.
- Significance: The name denotes the feelings of the bearer’s parents for their son at his birth.
14. Azwihangwisi
- Meaning: It is unforgettable
- Potential: Boys named Azwihangwisi are expected to grow into men who are strong-willed and resolute. They can also be great lovers.
- Significance: The name denotes that something quite unusual happened around the time of the bearer’s birth.
15. Humbe
- Meaning: Ask
- Potential: Boys named Humbe are expected to become men who know how to find their way through difficult situations. They are constantly improving themselves and are usually very successful.
- Significance: The name sometimes denotes that the bearer’s parents waited for some time to have him.
16. Khathu
- Meaning: Forgiveness.
- Potential: Boys named Khathu are believed to grow into men who are deeply religious and who are also empathic. They are also very sensitive.
- Significance: Denotes the feelings of the bearer’s parents at the time of his birth.
17. Livhu
- Meaning: “Thankful” or “Grateful”
- Potential: Boys named Livhu are believed to grow into men who are adventurers. They don’t take life for granted and can also be motivational speakers.
- Significance: Denotes the feelings of the bearer’s parents at the time of his birth.
18. Azwianewi
- Meaning: ‘Unspeakable’ or ‘Something that cannot be told’
- Potential: Boys named Azwianewi are expected to grow into men who are leaders. They are often lovers of attention and are very bold in their doings. They also do well in politics.
- Significance: The name denotes that something really unusual happened around the time of the bearer’s birth.
19. Dakalo
- Meaning: Happiness
- Potential: Boys named Dakalo are often expected to grow into men who are boisterous and exuberant. They go about their lives with gusto and are known to be very deliberate with their actions.
- Significance: Denores the state of mind of the bearer’s parents at the time of his birth.
20. Mulalo
- Meaning: Peace
- Potential: Boys named Mulalo are expected to grow into men who are good-natured and benevolent. They can be religious and can also do well in academics.
- Significance: Often denotes that the bearer’s birth signified the end of his parents’ pain.
21. Maanda
- Meaning: ‘Power’ or ‘Strenght’
- Potential: Boys named Maanda are often expected to grow into men who are organizers. They know how to control their peers and can quickly rise to leadership positions.
- Significance: Often denotes the wishes of the bearer’s parents for him at his birth.
22. Muambiwa
- Meaning: “The One Who Is Spoken Of/About”
- Potential: Boys named Muambiwa are expected to grow into men who are down-to-earth and intentional. They are also religious and very are also
- Significance: This often signifies that the bearer’s parents waited patiently for him for quite a while before he was eventually born.
23. Mukhethwa
- Meaning: The chosen one
- Potential: Boys named Mukhethwa are expected to grow into men who are family-oriented and exceptional when it comes to community building. They are also successful in business.
- Significance: This often signifies that the bearer’s parents had been expecting him for a long time before his eventual birth.
24. Nduvho
- Meaning: Praise
- Potential: Boys who are named Nduvho are often expected to grow into men who are very attentive to others. They make good teachers and can be religious too. They take life seriously and love to live each day at a time.
- Significance: Denotes the feelings of the parents about their son’s arrival at his birth.
25. Nkhumbudzeni
- Meaning: Remember me
- Potential: Boys named Nkhumbudzeni are expected to grow into men who are devoted to family life. They are very progressive and love challenges.
- Significance: The name often denotes that the bearer’s parents were involved in some struggle before their son’s arrival.
26. Nkhangweleni
- Meaning: Forgive me
- Potential: Boys named Nkhangweleni are expected to grow into men who are generally compassionate. However, they can also be hard when they are in leadership positions and are known to push others to be their best.
- Significance: Often denotes that the bearer’s parents had him at a difficult time.
27. Phaṱhutshedzo
- Meaning: Blessings
- Potential: Boys named Phaṱhutshedzo are expected to grow into men who are lovers of smart and hard work. They are great analyzers who often find great success in business. They are masters at selling their craft.
- Significance: The name denotes the prayers of the bearer’s parents for him at birth.
28. Rabelani
- Meaning: ‘Prayer’ or ‘To pray’
- Potential: Boys named Rabelani are often expected to grow into men who are religious and also good at academics. They are family-oriented and know how to organize others.
- Significance: This often denotes that the birth of the bearer is seen by his parents as a direct answer to their prayers.
29. Roṋewa
- Meaning: ‘We are given’ or ‘We are blessed’
- Potential: Boys named Roṋewa are often expected to grow into men who change the fortuned of their families. They find success and then carry everybody along when they blow up.
- Significance: Usually denotes that the bearer is the first son in the family.
30. Rotshidzwa
- Meaning: We have been saved
- Potential: Boys named Rotshidzwa are expected to grow into men who turn out to be huge blessings to their families. They are usually huge businessmen who give everyone else a chance to excel as well.
- Significance: Often denotes the expectations of the bearer’s parents from him as a man.
31. Shandukani
- Meaning: To change
- Potential: Boys named Shandukani are expected to grow into men who will transform the financial dynamic of their families. They often become the wealthiest persons in their lineage.
- Significance: Denotes the prayers of the bearer’s parents for him at his birth.
32. Tshilidzi
- Meaning: Grace
- Potential: Boys named Tshilidzi are often expected to grow into men who are really charming. They are fashionistas and know how to find favor with people.
- Significance: Denotes what the prayer of the bearer’s parents are at his birth.
33. Tshimangadzo
- Meaning: Miracle
- Potential: Boys named Tshimangadzo are often expected to grow into men who are problem solvers. They are deeply involved in community works and know how to push others to find success.
- Significance: This often signifies that the bearer’s parents tried really to have him long before he finally came.
34. Humbelani
- Meaning: Ask
- Potential: Boys named Humbelani are expected to grow into men who know their way around executing business deals and becoming great businessmen.
- Significance: This often denotes that the bearer’s parents see him as a direct answer to their prayers.
35. Rudzi
- Meaning: Console the suffering
- Potential: Boys named Rudzi are often expected to grow into men who strive to bring succor to their families. They are usually family-oriented and deeply religious.
- Significance: Denotes the expectations of the bearer’s parents from him as he grows into a man.
Good Venda Names For Girls
Men are held in high esteem among the Venda people, but that does not mean women are relegated to oblivion. Women are respected as the home builders and people who ensure peace reigns in society by instilling these virtues in kids. In fact, among the Venda people, women could even own property, usually given to them by their fathers. However, this property could be inherited when there was no male heir. As a matter of fact, there have been cases of women acting as regents for a minor son.
So, just like the men, careful thoughts and messages are injected into the names given to the girls who are born among the Venda people. Below are some popular Venda names that are given to newborn baby girls.
36. Nyambeni
- Meaning: Speak about me
- Potential: Girls who are named Nyambeni are expected to grow into women who are incredibly talented. They are pacesetters and cab rise to executive positions in companies.
- Significance: Often denotes that the bearer is the first daughter of her parents.
37. Katleho
- Meaning: Success
- Potential: Girls named Katleho are often expected to grow into women who are level-headed and who will do very well in academics. They are also good in business.
- Significance: Denotes the prayers of the bearer’s parents for their daughter.
38. Shandu
- Meaning: Change
- Potential: Girls named Shandu are expected to grow into women who contribute massively to the change in their family’s fortunes.
- Significance: Often denotes that the bearer is the first daughter of her parents.
39. Tendani
- Meaning: Believe
- Potential: Girls named Tendani are expected to grow into women who are quite religious. They are also fashionistas who know how to curry favour.
- Significance: Denoted that the parents may have waited for some time for their daughter’s birth.
40. Tshidino
- Meaning: ‘Annoys’ of ‘Bothers’
- Potential: Girls named Tshidino are expected to grow into women who have a mind of their own and do not follow the crowd. They are sometimes seen as hard but they only appear so because they follow their hearts. They often find success in business.
- Significance: Denotes that the bearer may have been born at a curious time in her parents’ lives.
41. Thanyani
- Meaning: Be careful
- Potential: Girls named Thanyani are often expected to grow into women who make the best mums. They find success in others fields but are very concerned about how their kids turn out as well.
- Significance: May signify that something quite interesting happened at the time of the bearer’s birth.
42. Sei
- Meaning: They are not amused
- Potential: Girls named Sei are expected to grow into women who are very serious especially when it comes. to pursuing purpose. They are usually very tough when in positions of authority.
- Significance: May signify that bearer is the first child of her parents.
43. Rendi
- Meaning: Give praise
- Potential: Girls named Rendi are often expected to grow into women who are very down-to-earth. They are beautiful and also quite religious. They may also do well in the arts.
- Significance: May denote that the bearer was born to her parents following a turbulent time.
44. Ndiyafhi
- Meaning: Where do I go?
- Potential: Girls named Ndiyafhi are expected to grow into women who are really hard-working. They are very intentional with their lives and believe they are in complete charge of their lives.
- Significance: May signify that the bearer was born to a single mother.
45. Mpfareleli
- Meaning: Forgive me
- Potential: Girls who are named Mpfareleli are believed to grow into women who are open-minded and adventurous. They are also playful and can be quite religious as well.
- Significance: May signify that the bearer was born at a rather turbulent time in the life of her parents.
46. Khathutshelo
- Meaning: Forgiveness
- Potential: Girls named Khathutshelo are often expected to grow into women who are venturesome. They are also cool-headed because of their calm nature.
- Significance: May signify that the bearer was born to a single mother.
47. Funi
- Meaning: Love one another
- Potential: Girls named Funi are expected to grow into women who are very generous and tender. They are capable of showing the highest levels of love to others and they also often rise to high executive positions.
- Significance: Denotes the feelings of the bearer’s parents for her at birth.
48. Dowelani
- Meaning: Get used to it
- Potential: Girls named Dowelani are expected to grow into women who are very outgoing and bold. They do not give much attention to what others have to say about them but chase after their dreams.
- Significance: May mean that the bearer was born into a family where there are already many other female children.
49. Dali
- Meaning: Cannot be satisfied
- Potential: Girls named Dali are expected to grow into women who are intrepid with a voracious appetite for achievements. They are very confident and own their own thriving businesses.
- Significance: Denotes the prayers of the bearer’s parents for their daughter at birth.
50. Aluwanip
- Meaning: Be prosperous
- Potential: Girls named Aluwanip are expected to grow into women who are narration changers. They usually thrive even in places where only men do well. They often to high executive positions.
- Significance: Denotes the prayers of the bearer’s parents for their daughter.
51. Nnyadzeni
- Meaning: Disrespectful
- Potential: Girls named Nnyadzeni are expected to grow into women who are their own dictators because they listen to their own hearts. They are most likely to change the status quo and achieve great things.
- Significance: Denotes that the bearer may have been born to a single mother.
52. Keneuwe
- Meaning: I’ve been given
- Potential: Girls named Keneuwe are expected to grow into women who actively take part in the process of changing their family’s fortunes. They are hard workers who do not take no for answers.
- Significance: This often signifies that the bearer was born after a long wait by her parents.
53. Koketso
- Meaning: Addition
- Potential: Girls named Koketso are expected to grow into women who are very talented especially in the arts. They are very creative content creators and know how to curry favors as well.
- Significance: Denotes the feelings of the parents for their daughter at birth.
54. Lindelani
- Meaning: ‘Be patient’ or ‘Wait’
- Potential: Girls who are named Lindelani are expected to grow into women who are very realistic especially when it comes to
- Significance: Denotes that the bearer’s parents waited for quite a while before they had her.
55. Lutendo
- Meaning: Faith
- Potential: Girls who are named Lutendo are expected to grow into women who are deeply religious. They are also family-oriented know their onions when it comes to working.
- Significance: Denotes how the parents of the bearer felt at the time of her birth.
56. Mariha
- Meaning: ‘Winter’ or ‘Cold Season’
- Potential: Girls who are named Mariha are expected to grow into women who are warm towards others. They are very receptive mainly because of their cool and gentle nature.
- Significance: Denotes that the bearer was born during the cold season.
56. Nnyaweleni
- Meaning: Recover after suffering
- Potential: Girls named Nnyaweleni are expected to grow into women who bring succor to their families. They are often first-born daughters and are known to be very mature in their dealings.
- Significance: The name signifies that the bearer’s parents were going through turbulent times shortly before her birth.
57. Phathu
- Meaning: Blessings
- Potential: Girls named Phathu are expected to grow into women who are successful in their dealings. They find favor easily and know how to rise through the ranks in their workplace.
- Significance: Denotes the prayers of the bearer’s parents for their daughter at her birth.
58. Taki
- Meaning: Be happy
- Potential: Girls named Taki are expected to grow into women who are very jovial. They take life one day at a time and are family-oriented.
- Significance: Denotes the wishes of the bearer’s parents for their daughter at her birth.
59. Thinawanga
- Meaning: I have nobody
- Potential: Girls named Thinawanga are expected to grow into women who are usually self-sufficient. They like to take their own initiative and find their ways through life with great confidence.
- Significance: Denotes the feelings of the bearer’s parents for her at the time of her birth
60. Thabelo
- Meaning: Prayer
- Potential: Girls named Thabelo are expected to grow into women who are deeply religious and who do not take others for granted. They are among the most serious persons at work.
- Significance: Signifies that the birth of the bearer may have been a direct answer to her parents’ prayer.
61. Tshiananeo
- Meaning: ‘Tale’ or ‘Story’
- Potential: Girls named Tshiananeo are expected to grow into women who are custodians of the culture. They will do well in history and academics in general. They may even become traditional healers.
- Significance: Usually signifies that something quite unusual or interesting happened before, during, or shortly after the birth of the bearer.
62. Vhonani
- Meaning: ‘Watch’ or ‘Look’
- Potential: Girls named Vhonani are expected to grow into women who are really curious. They can be very adventurous and like to take calculated risks.
- Significance: Usually denotes that the bearer was born into a family where there are several other females already.
63. Dzuvha
- Meaning: Rose
- Potential: Girls named Dzuvha are expected to grow into very adorable women who are incredibly charming. They are usually among the most beautiful ladies in their communities and also really talented.
- Significance: Denotes the feelings of the bearer’s parents for her at her birth.
64. Fhatu
- Meaning: ‘Be careful’ or ‘Be awake’
- Potential: Girls named Fhatu are usually expected to grow into women who are very diligent. They are often among the most hard-working people at the office and also thrive at their own businesses.
- Significance: Usually denotes the feelings or prayers of the bearer’s parents for her at the time of her birth.
65. Murunwa
- Meaning: Angel
- Potential: Girls named Murunwa are expected to grow into women who are truly adorable. They are also really beautiful and blessed with brains as well. They are usually the first to be noticed in a public place.
- Significance: Usually denotes the feelings of the bearer’s parents for her at birth.
66. Ndiene
- Meaning: It’s God
- Potential: Girls named Ndiene are expected to grow into women who are religious and who also know their onions especially when it comes to working. They are also outgoing and really charming.
- Significance: May signify that the bearer was born after some initial struggles faced by her parents.
67. Hulisani
- Meaning: Give respect to
- Potential: Girls named Hulisani are expected to grow into women who command a lot of admiration and often change the status quo where they find themselves in by excelling even in industries dominated by men.
- Significance: This often signifies that the bearer is the first daughter born to the family.
68. Tshepo
- Meaning: Hope
- Potential: Girls named Tshepo are expected to grow into women who help to turn their family fortunes around. They are very hard-working and try very hard to make sure they take the family along as they encounter progress.
- Significance: The name denotes the prayers of the bearer’s parents for her at her birth.
Unisex Venda Names For Newborns
One interesting thing about Venda names is that both males and females share many of them. In fact, a very large percentage of male names are also female names among the Venda people. As expected, these unisex Venda names are laced with lots of meanings as well. They are usually given to the bearers at birth with care, to signify certain things or just talk about the feelings of the bearer’s parents for their child at the time he or she was born to them.
Below are some unisex names that are given to Venda boys and girls.
69. Mutshidzi
- Meaning: Saviour
- Potential: People who are named Mutshidzi are expected to grow into strong men and women who are usually extroverts. They are always at the forefront at social events and know how to do organize people.
- Significance: Denotes the expectations of the bearer’s parents from them as they grow into mature men and women.
70. Odivhaho
- Meaning: The one who is knowledgable
- Potential: People named Odivhaho are expected to grow into men and women who are very curious and are also adventurous. They have a great quest for knowledge and also do well in academics.
- Significance: Denotes the prayers of the bearer’s parents for them.
71. Ḓembe
- Meaning: Miraculous
- Potential: People named Ḓembe are believed to grow up into men and women who often find favor wherever they go. They turn out to be great administrators and are also achievers.
- Significance: Usually signifies that something really curious or interesting happened shortly before the bearer’s birth.
72. Fhulufhedzani
- Meaning: Be hopeful
- Potential: People named Fhulufhedzani are believed to grow up and become very lively and outgoing people. They are usually the people said to be the ‘life of the party’. They are also very hard-working people who end up as achievers.
- Significance: Usually denotes the expectations of the bearer’s parents from them.
73. Livhuwani
- Meaning: Be thankful
- Potential: People with the name Livhuwani are believed to become men and women who are very bubbly. They see life as something to be enjoyed and act accordingly. They are also family-oriented.
- Significance: Denotes the feelings of the bearers’ parents at the time of their births.
74. Lufuno
- Meaning: Love
- Potential: People named Lufuno are expected to become men and women who are gentle and down-to-earth. They are the most relatable people and they like to carry others along.
- Significance: Demotes the wishes of the bearers’ parents for their children.
75. Nnyawedzeni
- Meaning: Let me rest
- Potential: Children named Nnyawedzeni are believed to become men and women who are usually strong-willed. They like to assert their influence and also
- Significance: Usually indicated that the bearers are the last born children of their parents.
76. Anesuishe
- Meaning: God with us
- Potential: Children named Anesuishe are expected to grow into men and women who are deeply religious. They start from little to take note of religious activities and are generally very warm toward others.
- Significance: Usually denotes the feelings of the bearer’s parents about their child.
77. Anokosha
- Meaning: Is important
- Potential: Children named Anokosha are expected to become men and women who are great proponents of self-worth. They are very confident and are usually at the forefront of public events.
- Significance: Often indicates that the bearer is the first child of the family.
78. Ayibongwe
- Meaning: May God be thanked
- Potential: Children named Ayibongwe are expected to become adults who are very retrospective. They take life very seriously and can also be really religious. They are also hard workers.
- Significance: The name often indicates that the bearer was born at a time of some turbulence faced by the parents.
79. Bophelo
- Meaning: Life
- Potential: Children named Bophelo are expected to grow into adults who are charmers. They are brisk with work and are quite impatient with others especially if they are at the helm of leadership.
- Significance: Usually indicates that the bearer is the firstborn in the family and is seen as the beginning of life for future generations of the home.
80. Masingita
- Meaning: Miracles
- Potential: Children named Masingita are expected to grow into adults who attract a lot of favors. They are soft and gentle and are usually family-oriented as well. They are especially great at problem-solving.
- Significance: The name usually indicates something really intriguing happened shortly before the bearer was born.
81. Avhatendi
- Meaning: They do not believe
- Potential: Children named Avhatendi are beloved to grow into adults who are extraordinarily talented and gifted. They do very well in academics and usually excel in business as well.
- Significance: The name usually indicates that the bearer was born after quite a long wait by the parents.
82. Kuvhanganani
- Meaning: Come together
- Potential: Children named Kuvhanganani are believed to grow into adults who are family-oriented and also involved in community building. They are hard workers and are usually great at helping the less privileged.
- Significance: May denote the prayers of the bearer’s parents for them.
83. Maṱoḓzi
- Meaning: Tears
- Potential: Children named Maṱoḓzi are believed to grow into adults who are very methodical. They are very gentle and are the first to follow instituted rules. They are also great very receptive.
- Significance: Usually indicate that the bearer was born during difficult times faced by the parents.
84. Nokresimesi
- Meaning: Born on Christmas day
- Potential: Children named Nokresimesi are believed to grow into adults who love the outdoors. They are very extroverted and are also loved by others. They can become comedians.
- Significance: Indicates that the bearer was born on Christmas Day.
85. Rudzani
- Meaning: Console someone
- Potential: Children named Rudzani are believed to grow into adults who are great at problem-solving. They can become good counselors or psychologists. They can also become great academicians.
- Significance: Indicates that the bearer was born after a long wait by their parents.
86. Ndemedzo
- Meaning: A burden
- Potential: Children named Ndemedzo are believed to grow into adults who are very mature. They are usually leaders in their fields and can rise quickly to the top echelons in their field because of the calculated risks they take.
- Significance: Usually signifies that the bearer was born at a difficult time in their parents’ lives.
87. Ndaedzo
- Meaning: An order from above
- Potential: Children named Ndaedzo are believed to grow into adults who are very curious. They can become scientists and tourists due to their very adventurous nature.
- Significance: Usually indicated that the birth of the bearer is a direct answer to the prayer of their parents.
88. Ntsako
- Meaning: Happy
- Potential: Children named Ntsako are believed to grow into men and women are boisterous. They know how to keep the party going and can be great if they pursue careers in entertainment.
- Significance: May denote the prayers of wishes of the bearer’s parents for them.
89. Nyeleti
- Meaning: A star
- Potential: Children named Nyeleti are believed to grow into adults who are very outspoken. They are usually the ones to give speeches at events and are clearly extroverted.
- Significance: The name usually indicates the prayers or wishes of the bearer’s parents for their child.
90. Tlholo
- Meaning: Victory
- Potential: Children named Tlholo are believed to grow into adults who are very competitive. They are very particular about winning in their various fields and will go any length to make sure they get what they want.
- Significance: Usually indicates that the bearer was born after a long wait perhaps due to barrenness.
91. Tshediso
- Meaning: Consolation
- Potential: Children named Tshediso are believed to grow into adults who are become very involved in changing their family’s fortunes. They usually become the most successful family members who carry everyone else along.
- Significance: The name often indicates that the bearer was born after a rather long wait by the parents.
92. Pfarelo
- Meaning: Forgiveness
- Potential: Children named Pfarelo are believed to grow into adults who are quite religious and also very hard working. They are also family-oriented and like to be involved in community building.
- Significance: This usually indicates that the bearer was born to a single parent.
93. Pfuluwani
- Meaning: Move
- Potential: Children named Pfuluwani are believed to grow into adults who are goal-oriented. They are very serious0minded and are usually at the top of their class. They are most likely to become nerds.
- Significance: Usually indicated the prayer or the wish of the bearer’s parents for their child.
94. Phusu
- Meaning: Disturbance
- Potential: Children named Phusu are believed to grow into adults who never settle for less. They are constantly seeking to break ground in new ventures and can appear a little too haughty because of this.
- Significance: This usually indicates that the bearer is the first male or female in a home already filled with the opposite gender.
95. Mamello
- Meaning: Perseverance
- Potential: Children named Mamello are believed to grow into adults who are adventurous and very open-minded and receptive to everyone.
- Significance: This usually indicates that the bearer was born after a long wait.
Venda Names For Twins
Every year, twin babies are born around the world. Of course, the Venda people are not left out. Let’s take a look at some names given to twins among the Venda people.
96. Bontle and Lintle
- Meanings: Bontle means ‘Beauty of God’ and Lintle means ‘All things are beautiful’
If the twins are male and female, the girl is usually named Bontle while the male is named Lintle.
97. Bheka and Bhekani
- Meanings: Bheka means ‘Watch’ or ‘Look’ and Bhekani means ‘Watch how things are done’
The female twin is usually named Bheka while the male is named Bhekani.
98. Tshepo and Tumelo
- Meanings: Tshepo means ‘Hope’ while Tumelo means ‘Faith’
The female twin is often named Tshepo while the male is named Tumelo. However, Tumelo is unisex meaning anyone can bear it.
99. Ndiene and Nduvho
- Meanings: Ndiene means ‘The chosen one’ while Nduvho means ‘Praise’
The choice of naming twins Ndiene and Nduvho is arrived at if both twins are males. This is because both Ndiene and Nduvho are male names.
100. Sipho and Siphokazi
- Meanings: Sipho means ‘Gift’ while Siphokazi means ‘Female gift’
Usually, the male twin is named Sipho while Siphokazi is reserved for the girl.