Since the launch of the Vodacom e-School e-learning platform by mobile telecommunication giants Vodacom in 2014, it has gained widespread acceptability most especially from the first half of 2020 when the rampaging COVID-19 virus forced schools to shut down. In the period, users on the platform increased to over a million with overwhelming engagement thanks to the various services that it offers one of which is the Vodacom e-School platform.
With more than a thousand percent growth, many people are still joining the e-learning platform across the country. Everything from joining the program to signing in and utilizing the platform is as easy as can it be.
How do I Register for Vodacom e-School?
One of the most interesting things about the Vodacom learning platform is that everything has been made very easy and convenient by the telecom company from the registration process which has been simplified for people who are not extremely tech-savvy. Here are the processes to follow when you want to register on the platform.
- Go to the Vodacom e-learning platform
- Click on Register.
- On the next page that opens, you will be requested to put in your personal information including name, birthday, and cell phone number.
- Select your preferred verification method, which can either be your email address or cell phone number using the toggle beneath the Personal Information.
- On the same page, you will see the Education Information space.
- Select the language of your choice from the drop-down menu available including English, isiZulu, isiXhosa, and Afrikaans. Also select your current education platform; traditional schooling, homeschooling, or others.
- Next, select the level you have completed in your education from the drop-down menu under the Level of Schooling Completed. It starts from reception year (R) to the point of senior matriculation (Grade 12).
- In the next two fields under Education Information, put in the location of your tutor center if it is applicable, and finally your Education Information
- You will be requested to finish creating your profile by filling in the Account Details section which is also on the same page.
- Put in your password which is a minimum of 8 characters and confirm it in the next field.
- Select whether to show adverts or not and then confirm that you are human.
- Now, you can hit the Register button.
The Platform comes with a Variety of Services
Apart from the services it offers, Vodacom also has deals for those whose mobile phones, tablets, or laptops have small screens or are not good enough for learning. The devices are available on the platform where you can select the deals you want, whether it is laptops or tablets.
Probably the first and most important service that comes with the Vodacom e-School is the learning features. As stated, you get the chance to learn at your pace using various materials including videos which one can pause and rewind during the learning process. More importantly, everything you access including videos comes free.
Another service is the revision and evaluation. After you must have finished each lesson, the platform allows for one to revise with Interactive quizzes which can help to test your knowledge. As regards evaluation, students can earn badges and even certificates after progress on each subject is evaluated.
Among the subjects, you can learn are the following:
- Accounting
- Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal
- Afrikaans Huistaal
- Economic Management Science
- English First Additional Language
- English Home Language
- Geography
- History
- Life Sciences
- Mathematical Literacy
- Mathematics
- Natural Science
- Physical Science
- Social Science
Others for younger students are:
- First Additional Language
- Home Language
- Life Skills, and
- Mathematics.
Is Vodacom e-School Free?
To be accessed via mobile devices, computers, and other internet-enabled devices, the e-learning platform offers unlimited learning materials across all major subjects, once you are a Vodacom subscriber. Even as getting extra lessons outside of the classroom in South Africa continues to be more expensive, the Vodacom e-school comes entirely free suffice you are a subscriber of the network.
What is more interesting about the platform, even more than coming free for subscribers is that even without internet data, subscribers can still make use of the platform and the services it offers. In essence, all that one needs to enjoy the service is to be a Vodacom subscriber and to also have an internet-enabled device.
Vodacom is carrying out the project in conjunction with the Department of Basic Education and its basic goal is to ensure that it provides learners with access to other basic learning tools outside of their classroom environment.
How do I use the Vodacom e-learning Platform?
In the same way that the registration process of Vodacom e-learning is seamless, so also is the process of using it. It comes with video lessons that are easy to follow, fun quizzes, as well as progress reports that have been personalized.
After you must have signed up and verified your account, you can now start using the e-learning platform following the steps below:
- Log into the e-learning platform using your details
- Select the grade you want.
- Select the subject from the available list
- Tap on Start learning.
- After learning, you can also decide to click on Test your knowledge.
- You can change other things including your grade, in the case that more than one learner makes use of the device, and the language can also be changed.
You can decide to learn through video lessons which allow you to watch and learn. The free learning resource also allows you to pause, rewind, and re-watch video lessons.
At the end of each lesson, there is the revision option which gives you some homework questions that can be used in testing your knowledge. Also, there is the evaluation section that allows you to evaluate your progress in each individual subject. With this, you can earn badges and certificates for your progress.
All The Advantages of Vodacom e-School
1. CAPS aligned curriculum
All learning materials on the platform are tailored in line with CAPS (Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements) curriculum to ensure that students do not only learn but also learn things that would be important to them in the actual learning environment while also broadening their knowledge.
2. Learning materials can be accessed at one’s convenience
Something you will find interesting with the e-learning platform is that it makes it easy for students to access learning materials from anywhere and at their own convenience, which gives them so much flexibility.
3. Learning becomes even more effective
When you have thousands of learning materials that can be accessed at your convenience, all designed to be in line with the curriculum, learning becomes more effective.
4. There are specialized training and support
The e-learning platform also affords specialized training as well as support so that kids can learn at their own pace. Because of this, there is an improved learning process which shows in the results of learners.