A Complete Guide To How UEW Learning Management System (LMS) Works

Up until the early 2000s, learning only happened in the classroom and physical presence was a must. But then, technological development happened, and e-learning which is a form of learning conducted via the electronic media, typically the internet, began to reshape learning processes across institutions in the world. There is no doubt that digital education is in the business of revolutionizing the conventional education system through the Learning Management Systems (LMS).

Institutions like the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) have also not failed to be part of the revolutionized learning system. Hence, the commencement of the UEW Learning Management Systems (LMS).

What Is The UEW LMS All About and When Was It Launched?

The  University of Education, Winneba Learning Management Systems, popularly known as the UEW LMS (Moodle) is a learning platform that accords both students and lecturers the much-needed connectivity for academic activities to progress. Simply put, the LMS is a software application that is used in eLearning programs to plan, execute, and assess a specific learning process, especially as regards administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivering of courses, lessons, and tests. Moodle used here simply means a “Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment.” An online platform for educational purposes for students.

Similar to the distance learning system adopted by most institutions, the UEW LMS was launched in early 2020 as part of the university’s measures to keep academic activities in session during the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Obviously, the uncertainties surrounding when the COVID-19 will be eradicated completely spored the University management to take to online learning. The software provides a space where materials can be stored and organized, assessments can be given, and students and teachers can interact using blogs, forums, and so on. Some of the basic features of the LMS include;

  • The safe internal messaging system
  • Easy course creation and management
  • Ease of marking works (quizzes and tests) that have been submitted
  • Keeps student data
  • Enhance interaction between learners and educators

How To Login To LMS For The First Time

The LMS is a gated website that allows only those with log-in details to access. According to the school management, student’s ability to access the UEW-LMS for lectures and other online interactions depends on the full payment of fees and registration. When you have paid your fees, the following steps will help you get started on accessing the UEW E-Learning Online Learning Management System.


  • Visit the university’s homepage and click on UEW LMS located below the search button on the right.
  • Click on the link tagged “Regular/Sandwich” if you are a regular student or “Distance & College of Edu” for distance students.


  • Enter your user name and password using your index number and applicant ID as your password respectively.
  • You will be required to change your password after the first login.
  • Follow the instructions and set a new password.
  • Create a new password with a minimum of six characters, including at least one alphabet and one number. You are advised not to use your applicant ID as your password.
  • Save the changes and click on the continue button to get your username and password ready for course enrollment.
  • After completing your login process, you can proceed with having your courses enrolled

How Do I Reset My LMS Password?

To reset your password, submit your username or email address in the search boxes available. If your database is found, an email will be sent to your email address, with further instructions on how to get access again.

Email Process

  • Visit the homepage and click on UEW LMS below the search button on the right.
  • Click on the link tagged “Regular/Sandwich” if you are a regular student or “Distance & College of Edu” for distance students.
  • Click on “Forgotten Username or Password” beside your Username box.
  • Submit either your username or email in the search box.
  • Click the ‘Search’ button and wait for further instructions on how to get access again.

SMS Process

Step 1

Send a message to any of
the helplines listed below. SMS should contain the following:

  • Your index number
  • Your full name
  • Detail of request (e.g. Password Reset)


  1. Retrieve your password by calling the same phone number after 2 hours to take your
  2. Visit the university website and click on UEW LMS
  3. Enter your index number as your Username.
  4. For password, use the reset password that was given to you
  5. Change your password as required after the first login.
  6. Follow the instructions and set the appropriate password.
  7. Save The Changes by clicking on “SAVE CHANGES”.

 Enrolling For Courses

These easy steps will be your guide to enroll for courses;

  • On the top right-hand side of the UEW LMS home page, search for the course using either the course code or course title.
  • Click on the course when it appears.
  • In cases whereby the course(s) require an enrollment key, you can reach the lecturer in charge of the course for the code.
  • If your course does not require an enrollment key, you can add your course by just clicking on it.
  • Enter the enrollment key and click on ENROLL ME to join the course.

How Do I Know My Course Enrollment was Successful?

You have successfully been enrolled in your required courses if you see a message saying the process was successful. The enrolled courses will then be delivered in a hybrid mode which means some portions of the courses will be available on the online platform where you can easily access them.

Easy Ways to Submit an Assignment on LMS

The following guidelines will help you submit an assignment on UEW LMS;

  1. Log in to the Learning Management Systems (LMS) using your username and password.
  2. Locate the course you want to submit an assignment for on the dashboard.
  3. Click on the course to open it.
  4. If you could not find the course, use the search box at the top right to search for your course.
  5. Click on enroll me in other to enroll yourself into the course
  6. Click on the Assignment icon to open it
  7. On the dashboard, you will see the assignment, the date due, etc.
  8. Locate the ADD SUBMISSION icon to submit your assignment.
  9. You can submit your assignment using the ‘Online text’ box which means you will have to type your answer directly in the text box available, or you use the ‘File submission’ box which means you will write your answer in a word document or save it in a pdf file before uploading it.

How To Upload an Assignment in Word Document Format

  1. Click on the big arrow in the file submission box.
  2. On the dialogue box, click on upload a file icon on your left.
  3. Go to the attachment and click on the browse to locate your file on the file picker.
  4. Open the file to load your file (Note that your file won’t upload if the size exceeds the maximum limit allowed.
  5. Use the ‘Save As’ box to give your file a name.
  6. If your file has been successfully uploaded, click on Save Changes to finally submit your assignment.

Issues Raised by the Introduction of LMS Among Students in Rural Areas

With the vast expanse of Information and communication technologies, especially in the field of education, the introduction of LMS has thrived to bridge the digital divide among urban and rural communities. but this has not been an easy task as the rural areas are still far behind in catching up with the trend. This is especially true with internet connectivity and other factors that may hinder an efficient online learning system.

In addition to high data charges and poor internet connectivity, further studies also prove that many learners in rural areas are not familiar with most of these learning platforms. On the other hand, those who are familiar with them, find the technology expensive and unaffordable. Hence, the adoption rate of the LMS was low among students in rural areas.

Is It Free to Access the LMS Site?

While the benefits of e-learning are undeniably innumerable, data charges remain one of the challenges many feared could halt its progress, especially in developing countries. However, some telecommunication service providers have agreed to support the government by providing free internet connectivity.

This move has seen the removal of data charges on certain platforms to enable the students to enjoy a hitch-free learning experience.

About MTN and Vodafone Ghana’s Data Charges Removal

Ghana’s top service providers MTN Ghana and Vodafone Ghana took the lead in ensuring a hitch-free learning process for students by providing free internet connectivity.

In their effort to encourage e-learning and help mitigate the impact of COVID 19 on the country’s education, Vodafone and MTN Ghana whitelisted over 100 educational sites for private and public school students across the country, including the online Learning Management System site of the University of Education, Winneba (UEW).

Consequently, users can access their learning sites using MTN or Vodafone sim cards free of charge. The free data access includes uploading and downloading materials directly on the enlisted learning websites. However, the package is not applicable to other websites such as Youtube as they will attract data charges.

UEW LMS Help Line

For questions and assistance on any technical issue (e.g. Login) relating to the use of the LMS, call the ICT helpline on:

  • 0501434044
  • 0202958883
  • 0202960095
  • 0202960598


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