Originally known as Elris, Alice is a South Korean girl group that made its debut on June 1, 2017. The group, which made its debut with the extended play, We, First, consists of seven members; EJ, Do-A, Chaejeong, Yeonje, Yukyung, Sohee, and Karin.
Hunus Entertainment formed the group as Elris, however, in December 2021, it was transferred to IOK Company and later re-branded as Alice in April 2022. Here is a look at each member as well as details of their music.
Elris Members Ages and Birthdays
Member | Birthday | Age | Position |
EJ | August 13, 1997 | 26 years old | Main Vocalist, Lead Rapper |
Do-A (formerly Bella) | February 2, 1999 | 24 years old | Main Rapper, Lead Vocalist |
Chaejeong | August 26, 1999 | 24 years old | Leader, Main Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper |
Yeonje (formerly Hyeseong) | October 15, 1999 | 24 years old | Vocalist, Lead Dancer |
Yukyung | November 5, 1999 | 24 years old | Main Dancer, Vocalist, Visual |
Sohee | December 31, 1999 | 24 years old | Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Visual, Center, Face of the Group |
Karin | January 5, 2002 | 22 years old | Lead Vocalist, Rapper, Maknae |
Profile of Elris Members
- Full Name: Lee Chae Jeong
- Date of Birth: August 26, 1999
- Age: 24 years old
- Zodiac Sign: Virgo
- Height: 164 cm (5 feet 5 inches)
- Weight: 48 kg (108 lbs)
- Instagram: chaerishxx
- TikTok: chaerishxx
Chaejeong, whose birth name is Lee Chae Jeong, was born on August 26, 1999. Along with EJ, she joined the group in February 2020. In April 2022, after the group rebranded to Alice, she was appointed as the new leader.
Chaejeong attended Seoul Yongam Elementary School, Boseong Girls’ Middle School & Boseong Girls’ High School. She was a trainee for 3 years and 6 months before participating on Produce 48 where she was eliminated on rank 79.
EJ is the Oldest Elris Member
- Full Name: Kim Eun Ji
- Date of Birth: August 13, 1997
- Age: 26 years old
- Zodiac Sign: Leo
- Height: 164 cm (5 feet 5 inches)
- Weight: 47 kg (103 lbs)
- Instagram: ejneuneunjineunej
- TikTok: ejneuneunjineunej
EJ was born Kim Eun Ji on August 13, 1997. She attended Dong-A University of Broadcasting and Arts and was a trainee under STL Entertainment. EJ participated in the Busan One Asia Festival in October 2019 before joining Alice in February 2020.
Do-A (formerly Bella)
- Full Name: Choi Yoon-ah
- Date of Birth: February 2, 1999
- Age: 24 years old
- Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
- Height: 163 cm (5 feet 4 inches)
- Weight: 40 kg (88 lbs)
- Instagram: negabaroyoona
- TikTok: negabaroyoona_
Do-A, whose real name is Choi Yoon-ah, was born in Incheon, South Korea, on the 2nd of February 1999. She schooled at Dangjin school and is the leader of the group as well as its main rapper, who is known to write her own lyrics. Her stage name was given to her by the company.
Do-A has revealed that one of the rappers who inspires her is Yezi and she has also admitted that she finds it a little difficult learning choreography. She was a contestant on YG’s MixNine where she was voted as the ‘Best Style’ contestant. She ranked 18th on the show.
Yeonje (formerly Hyeseong)
- Full Name: Yang Yeon Je (Yang Hye Sun)
- Date of Birth: October 15, 1999
- Age: 24 years old
- Zodiac Sign: Libra
- Height: 167 cm (5 feet 6 inches)
- Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
- Instagram: yyeonxje
Yeonje was born Yang Hye-sun in Jeolla, South Korea, on the 15th of October 1999. She received her education at Hwaseong school and is known as the lead vocalist as well as a dancer of the group. Like Bella, she was also a contestant on YG’s MixNine but got eliminated in the tenth episode.
Yeonje is very good at doing voice impressions, arranging nano blocks, and beatboxing. She is also a budding actress who has appeared in a few commercials and movies.
- Full Name: Lee Yu Kyung
- Date of Birth: November 5, 1999
- Age: 24 years old
- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
- Height: 158.2 cm (5 feet 2 inches)
- Weight: 37 kg (81 lbs)
- Instagram: iluvu260
Yukyung’s birth name is Lee Yu-Kyung and she was born in Seoul, South Korea on the 5th of November 1999. She is the main dancer of the group who also contributes with vocals. The young girl specialized in traditional Korean dancing in middle school and learned it for seven years. She came first place in the Women’s University competition in the Korean dance category and is the first person to learn their group choreography very fast.
- Full Name: Kim So Hee
- Date of Birth: December 31, 1999
- Age: 24 years old
- Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
- Height: 163 cm (5 feet 4 inches)
- Weight: 46 kg (101 lbs)
- Instagram: s2k1m
- TikTok: s2k1m_
Sohee’s birth name is Kim So-hee and she was born in Incheon, South Korea on the 31st of December 1999. The young girl has come to be described as the face of the group who contributes with vocals as well as in dancing. She can speak a bit of English and was also a contestant at ‘K-Pop Star 6 where she finished in 2nd place.
Sohee is the only Elris member who had gained popularity and had some form of fan base before joining the group. She began her solo career in 2017 with the release of some tracks which have done pretty well.
Karin is the Youngest of Elris’ Members
- Full Name: Min Ka Rin
- Date of Birth: January 5, 2002
- Age: 22 years old
- Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
- Height: 170 cm (5 feet 7 inches)
- Weight: 49 kg (108 lbs)
- Instagram: karinnyday
Karin’s birth name is Min Ka-rin and she was born in Busan, South Korea on the 5th of January 2002. She is a vocalist and rapper.
Although the youngest of the group, Karin has been described as one of the strongest members. She was also a contestant on K-Pop Star 6 but got eliminated early in the show. Karin is also good at mimicking different characters but has been described as the worst dancer in the group.
Elris Discography
Elris has released three Extended Plays since they made their debut in 2017. Their first EP, which was titled We, First and released on the 1st of June 2017, contained five tracks. The album peaked at #21 on the Korea music chart and sold over four thousand copies in the country.
In September 2017, Elris members came together to drop their second EP titled Color Crush. The album had 6 tracks and peaked at #15 while selling just under six thousand five hundred copies in Korea.
Their third EP was released on the 28th of June 2018. It had 5 tracks and also peaked at #15, selling just under six thousand copies.
Other Facts You Need To Know About Elris Members
The girl group has performed above expectations even though they were created by one of the smaller agencies in South Korea. They won the ‘Best Rookie Group’ for the female category in the 24th Korean Entertainment Arts Awards in 2018.
Age Range
One of the reasons why their efforts as a group have been commended is because they are so young. In 2017 when they debuted, they were all 18 years old asides from Karin who was 16 years old a the time.
1. Who is the leader of Alice?
Chaejeong is the leader of the girl group. She was appoinetd in April 2022 after the group rebranded from Elrice to be called Alice.
2. When did Alice make its debut?
Alice originally made its debut as Elris on June 1, 2017, with their first extended play, We, First.
3. Who are the members of Alice?
Alice consists of seven members. They are EJ, Do-A, Chaejeong, Yeonje, Yukyung, Sohee, and Karin. Do-A, Yeonje, Yukyung, Sohee, and Karin were the original members of the group when its was called Elris while EJ and Chaejeong only joined in 2020.
4. Why did the group change its name from Elris to Alice?
When the girl group was previously managed by Hunus Entertainment, it went by the name Elris. However, when IOK Company took ownership, it decided to rebrand, starting with a change of name to Alice.
5. Who is the oldest and youngest member of Alice?
The oldest member is EJ who was born on August 13, 1997 and is 26 years old. The youngest member of the group on the other hand is Karin who was born on January 5, 2002 and is 22 years old.
6. Who is the shortest and tallest member of Alice?
Karin is the tallest member of the group with a height of 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) while Yukyung is the shortest member of the group with a height of 5 feet 2 inches (158 cm).
7. How many projects have Alice released?
They have released five projects (four extended plays and one album). They are We First, Color Crush, Summer Dream, Jackpot, and Dance On.